Thursday, April 2, 2020

nite chat: 4:2

my mouse is running out of batteries
it's, i guess, not that big a deal
i have, somewhere, i mouse i can plug in
i could just use the pad
it's not really that big a deal
i don't think i have batteries
i might have a few left
i have been unable to get any
whenever i'm looking for supplies
i guess batteries are the new toilet paper
toilet paper is still the new toilet paper
batteries make a lot of sense

it's not that big of a deal
walk it off, walk it off

i applied for unemployment online today
i know you're probably thinking
why did she wait so long
i've never applied for unemployment before
and i thought that since they gave me some severance
that i maybe wouldn't qualify
and then
when they expanded all the stuff for the zombie flu
i thought well, maybe
and really the worst they can say is no
but the website has been crashing
and, truthfully
every time i would start to do it
i'd get all anxiety-ified
that's part of what happened yesterday
and with coffee + toast today
so, anyway, i applied
and they are sending my information to missouri
which is apparently where the central hr for
the place i worked is located

so maybe they will say
we eliminated her job
but not because of the zombie flu
and we gave her some money

or maybe they will pay me the extra good
zombie flu unemployment
so i could maybe pay my bills and stuff
because 40% of what i was making before
is not gonna do that
i had some
i'm not sure what to call em
things i've been paying $50 a month into
for 20 years
so i got a little
guess i won't be using it for a down payment
on anything
i'm not on the streets yet
severance hasn't come yet
they have 20 days
i think i mentioned that before

it's fine
everything's fine
i've got no reason to complain
and my briefing today said
there might be a link between
blood type and whether you get the bad
or good version of the zombie flu
which again i'm saying
so i don't get hits from searches
if you're searching zombie flu, maybe
i'm not sure what my blood type is

in high school biology
we did tests
and i tested positive for A
which might mean i'm A
that seems the most likely
although i'm not 100% sure
that i wouldn't have tested positive for A
if in fact i was AB
so likely A
because i think the test showed B as well
not sure

be coherent!

if i'm A
which i think i am
then, maybe, based on one analysis
i may be predisposed to the mild form

i already dosed up

i feel like i let you down somehow
i'm not sure what i think i was supposed to do
but, i feel bad
maybe i'm projecting
i'm gonna be more positive tomorrow
i promise

i'm really just letting the desert essences
have time to take effect
and then
we're doing poetry
because it's poetry month
and we're doing that every night
all month