Sunday, April 26, 2020

not asleep yet
I like Chicago pizza
but I can't eat very much of it
when I was growing up
I had something that was called
Chicago pizza
but it wasn't
it was "deep dish" pizza
which Chicago pizza is
Chicago pizza is a pizza pie
this wasn't
it just had very thick crust
otherwise regular toppings
I really liked it
based on pictures
I think it may be more like Detroit pizza
I think generally
what I like the most now
is a slightly thick hand tossed pizza
with pesto topping
with cheese and mushrooms
at a minimum
ideally also garlic and onions and olives and sun-dried tomatoes and jalapenos

it's been a long time since I've ordered a tomato sauce pizza
and I actively dislike super thin crush

I think the Chicago pizza I got was cheese
but spinach sounds great

spinach quiche sounds good right now

but I'm weird about spinach
I can eat it raw, no problem
and in things
no problem
just a big pile of sauted spinach
is kinda yucky to me
saag paneer yum
and that's a big pile of spinach
something about saute spinach is gross
maybe it's got to do with the oil and garlic
normally I like those things

stewed okra yuck
fried okra yuck
okra in gumbo yum yum yum

I don't like pimentos
don't know why
I can eat them now
just don't like them
at one time a tiny piece of pimento ruined
an entire plate of food
like the princess and the pea
is there pimento in this 🤬😭🥵🤢