Tuesday, April 14, 2020

So I'm trying to doctor up the mugwort
I have that shape shifter powder
That I haven't even tried yet I've had it for a while
So I put that in
And I have some smoked honey I put that in
And then I put in some of that
Coconut almond milk
And it's still horrible
Also I didn't steep it for as long
But it's not as horrible
But herbal tea is not meant to have all that stuff put in it
So I feel kind of bad for doing that
But whatever I'm trying to choke it down

And I had forgotten all about the Buddha
But the reason why
The Buddha is often pictured as a fat jolly guy
Is because
You know how when a new religion tries to transpose itself onto an existing culture
That already has Gods
Well there's a God in China and in Japan
And his name is like bodai
So it sounds a lot like Buddha
And he is the god of like contentment
And so they just got transposed on top of one another
and that's why you see like lucky Buddha and stuff all the time
But if you want to see some seriously got Buddhas
Thailand has some just hauntingly beautiful Buddhas who are very austere and regal
But it's funny how cultures always do that kind of thing

They just say oh yeah I know what you're talking about
Or or sure sure we're worshiping the right God Don't kill us