that's what i should have watched
i should never listen to anyone
not anybody i know, anyway
i mean, it wasn't a bad movie
how much better would this have been
i really need to see
i know i talk about my ghost dogs
i had them before the movie even came out
i got them
when i went on spring break
and i said to myself
where will no one go for spring break
which was true then
but not any more
i stayed at the dietzel motel
and i had a type writer
and a big blank book
and paul simon's graceland
and i listened to it again and again
and typed out sections of lyrics
and cut out pictures from
i don't even know what
and made these meditative collages
of images and poetry from graceland
the food was a nightmare
because i was trying to be vegetarian
and at that point there was only texas german food
i bought the ghost dogs
and they have been spirit companions ever since
but they're in a drawer now
because my cat always knocks them around
if he can get to them
i loved the whole album
but that song captured something for me
this is the story of how we begin to remember
this is the powerful pulsing of love in the veins
after the dream of falling and calling your name out
these are the roots of rhythm and the roots of rhythm remain
and the ghost dogs
they hold the memory of all that
how we begin to remember stuff
they are charged with that energy
i still have them
30ish years later
and i was very sad when i though the kitty had lost one
at work
they had a satellite radio station
or somethin
and it mostly had the same songs over and over
until you'd get so sick of them
that you couldn't like the song anymore
even if you'd liked it to begin with
and then periodically a few would drop off
and a few new ones would come on
they mostly weren't new
they were old ones coming back
and graceland was one of them
no matter how many times i heard it
i never lost the desire to hear it
there's a girl in nyc who calls herself the human trampoline
sometimes when i'm falling flying or tumbling in turmoil
i say whoah so this is what she means
i love you
i should really go ahead and write that poem
i guess
i should probably go to sleep
chocolate covered pretzels
are good btw