Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Well I slept very late today
I'm not sure the mugwort is a good idea
When I was a kid I used to feel like I went someplace else when I was asleep at night and then I had a very hard time coming back
And that's kind of how I felt today
But I had this dream
Well I had a bunch of dreams and I don't remember most of them
But the one I was dreaming when I woke up

I went into a bathroom
and it was a public bathroom but there were only like three stalls but they weren't really stalls they were three toilets on a raised platform
So it had a kind of a thrown like action
And I went in there with two other women who I knew in the dream but I don't know who they are

And the toilets were not especially dirty they were reasonably okay
Which is unusual usually in my dreams the bathrooms are in bad shape or there's something wrong with them

But these were fully functional and clean and pretty nice
But then I looked up above the there was like a shelf above the well no that doesn't quite cover it it wasn't exactly shelf it was a the whole thing was kind of built in so that it was erased like niche kind of and there was a platform that functioned like a shelf behind the toilets and above

And up on that there was a almost full bottle of alcohol rubbing alcohol
and so I picked that up and I poured alcohol onto each of the three toilets and I wiped them all down so they were completely like sanitized
and I didn't just do that for me I did that for the other two people too

I don't recall ever dreaming anything like that before
so I don't know it seemed like it had some sort of psychological importance
Like like there was some kind of purification
Psychological wholeness
But then again it could have just been a quarantine dream because there was after all a full bottle of alcohol
How often do you see one of those anymore
but I mean I slept like 10 hours That's a long long time
So I don't know
Going to eat something now and then we'll see what I got
I love you