cattle drives
texas-montana cattle drives
trail map
san marco 1912 street map
normal star newpaper page
normal star newspaper page
search page normal star
ok well that turns out to be a college newspaper for normal college in san marcos
have not yet found the "real" newspaper in san marcos in 1912
although unlikely to have actual information
just town background now i guess
it's unlikely that she's running around with baby uncle charlie in tow
but maud's 17 she could totally be watching the other four kids, right
also, he always tied the shoeless joe story in with shoeless joe being an indian, but the only kind of indian i can find any record of shoeless joe being is this
although i'm not sure whether he would have known about that
or indeed whether they were not called naps at that time
also he played previously for the savannah indians
which he may or may not have had any way to know
so maybe it's one of those kids not quite understanding things in a funny way
maybe we've got a ransome of red chief situation
[my god she likes those o. henry stories doesn't she
there was pretty scant reason for that reference]
or maybe he had been teased by kids for looking like an indian and he was owning it or maybe it was something else
he would have been starting school at what 5 or 6 so it was most likely have been 1918 or 1919
hmmmm can't find anything about spanish flu in san marcos specifically
his alleged father died when he was a middle teen-ager
i find it hard to believe that he didn't know his father's name
if that was his father
and i never never got the sense that he was lying to me
about any of that
now the specific indian tribe i always thought was a little iffy
like either he wasn't sure
or he had picked something he liked
as it wasn't something he would have heard of
like in movies or t.v.
i thought there was a good chance that he was kinda sure
because if he were completely making it up
wouldn't it be cherokee or sioux or apache
i mean blackfeet are not the obvious choice