Monday, April 20, 2020

poem: oh just go eat a bomb pop 4:20

i looked out the window
i'm not sure what i saw

i saw a video of a care-giver hugging and old man
and my first thought was
no, unsafe behavior
my first thought

the millenials, or hell
maybe some of them were zoomers
think biden can't win without them
and maybe they're right
maybe he can't win with em
i'm not sure

do you really think
they're willing to let he-who-shall-not-be-named
burn it to the fucking ground
because all their demands weren't met

i mean
i feel em, i do
i been feeling like that most of my life
and sometimes i vote third party
i really want us to have a vibrant multi-party system
i feel their
the difference between corporate democrat and republican
is not enough of a difference
i do
but jesus on a fucking popsicle stick

and maybe
maybe the "good guy" is a rape-er
i read some stuff, might not be true
but it sure sounded like a credible story
i'd like to say it should be checked out
i'm not
because, ya know what
the bad guy is a rape-er too
so, whatever, it cancels out, and that makes me sick to my stomach

how did it go from looking like it was gonna be a woman
like almost for sure
to being the old white dude who thinks
marijuana is a dangerous gateway
that he can work with republicans
and that he's just a hugger of women and he should keep on with that, really
maybe not, maybe he understands
that he's not supposed to say that
but not how it's not being a "sensitive" feminist brother
it's about respect, or not

and the bad man said
un-ironically, i think, and if it wasn't
does that make it better
or worse
i cannot tell a lie

i'd like to make that true
pump him full of truth serum
find out what he thinks is true--  how ironic is he really