I got up at 5:00
I did all the morning getting ready stuff
I started calling them at 5 minutes to 5:00 I mean 5 minutes to 7:00
and it took me almost 30 minutes but I did actually get through
I was very excited because the phone rang and then I was even more excited when something picked it up
But it was an automated service that picked it up and it said press one if you need to apply for unemployment
Press two if you need to change any piece of your information including your pin
press three if you have questions or problems and need to talk to a person
So I press three
And it said we're overwhelmed we don't have time to talk to you right now
If you applied You are fine
Everything's retroactive including the $600
If you have any questions use the website or the automated phone line
I already had looked around the website and there isn't any answer for my question there
I haven't used the automated line yet but unless it can specifically look at my account and tell me the answer to my question I don't think it's going to help me because I don't have a general question I have very specific question
So that I need some toast
And drank some more coffee
And then I started feeling really bad
I mean first I looked around on the internet and whatever so I've been up since 5:00 and it was like 10:30 when I started feeling really really bad
I had I still have I think a migraine
But it might just be a really horrible sinus headache with a cluster headache on top of it
I feel like something blew in
I don't think I have Corona I haven't left the house in a really long time and although I have interacted with things that people have touched I feel like it's pretty unlikely
But I do think I have a migraine and I'm nauseated and my guts are I don't know not good
But my hormones could be jacked up
And have not been putting on the cream
I can't really explain to you why I haven't been doing that
But I was feeling good
And I wasn't sure I was going to be able to get more of the cream
But I did get more of the cream
So I don't really have a good excuse
but that's my best guess for what's going on with me but I just feel like I might die
Now I did do that whole switching from my natural bodies circadian rhythms back to normal peoples circadian rhythms and it might be that on top of the hormones it's just responding really badly to that
But I got like 9 hours of sleep last night
And that's on top of the two and a half hours of sleep I got the night before that
So so that average is out to a pretty decent amount of sleep
But I came and lay down in the semi dark cuz you can't get it completely dark in here during the day
And I hadn't really intended to go back to sleep I had just intended to lay in the dark
But I did go back to sleep
So it was 11:11 when I got into bed and it was sick something when I got out of bed so I've had basically another 7 hours of sleep and I still feel really bad
I dreamed that I had a bunch of dreams and I recorded them without actually waking up
I just discovered him when I looked at the this thing
But there were also like video recordings that went along with them although they weren't of me they were like of the dreams or something
It was really cool
and then I had the southern dream but I'm not sure if it was a dream or if it was a movie of one of the dreams that I had when I was asleep in the dream
I was in prison
But it wasn't quite like regular prison
It was more like quarantine
But it was me and I think two other people
And one of the people he was trying to get a stereo
So he ordered some stuff and it came kind of damaged and they were trying to tape it back together and what not but he really wanted a stereo
And I don't remember what I wanted
I don't remember what I wanted in that part maybe I didn't care about that kind of stuff but then
When I was when I went out to get supplies I bought a turkey
And then I put it in the freezer because our refrigerator that we had was like one of those kinds you would get for a dorm room and it didn't really keep things cold
And the freezer I'm not sure if it kept things frozen but it did keep things at least refrigerator temperature
And I don't know how we were going to cook the turkey it just seemed like a very ill advised purchase
50 was more but I don't remember I just remember the struggle of the stereo and the struggle of the turkey
But I think I bought the turkey because it was going to be Thanksgiving or I don't know some holiday it was going to be some holiday in just needed a turkey
Anyway I'm laying back down now I still do not feel well at all
But unfortunately no I'm not making productive use of my time or doing anything fun I just have been feeling sick
I hope you're doing better than me
actually that's pretty weak sauce I hope you're doing really well
But I don't know that I'm going to be hopping up and doing anything productive anytime soon we're fun for that matter I was going to make nachos
But just the idea of food is kind of disgusting