Tuesday, April 28, 2020

poem: [bad voice in my head is not respectful] 4:28

i think
i'm not sure
that i should maybe not
have the spirit guide stuff mixed in
with the grackle stuff
maybe i should
maybe i'm having a bad day
and i'm rethinking everything from a bad day angle
and maybe
maybe i'm not the right person
or not up to the task
i seem to have
almost talked myself out of my ability to write any of it
maybe i need a monday strategy

when i was 17
i thought i was going to be an activist
i didn't
i mean i really didn't
and that's ok
now i feel very silly with my spirit guide story
when the country's on fire

i'm gonna have to spend some amount of time
on the phone tomorrow
if there's no money coming
i'm gonna have to get serious
about doing something to earn money
not just sit around and play

what i should do as well
is set aside [in fact you know to do this
you stupid cow] time specifically
to write
and then just write what writes

letters to the beloved
not poems for poetry month
write the fuckin book
if you got a book
and if you don't
then just shut up