i've been floating around trying to get out of my
i hesitate to call it a funk
but that was the first word that came to mind
i can't make clear enough the mind fucking quality of this
i'm trying to get information
and the youtube doesn't seem to have it
i was just watching someone
say they were channeling quetz'l
and i 't believe it
i'm not sure how much i believe channeling, generally
i believe in it
i just don't think i've ever really seen it done
quetz'l is not one of those heart cutting out group btw
quetz'l was a creator not a destroyer
although i'm not sure i really understand
who he's supposed to be
i think, for me, he's more inspirational
i don't think that the talker is quetz'l
if i just tried to channel
or prophesy
what would happen
let me see
i see a mushroom in my head
now i see stark winter-y branched tree limbs
no leaves kinda spooky looking
and then it morphed into a dandelion puff
that will screw them out of four million dollars
someone says
not specifically about the tree morphing thing
i'm getting the subway sandwich logo
but that doesn't really mean anything to me
i fell asleep in the chair
i feel like i need to sleep
let me go write this poem