the calendula tincture came today
and i have to say
i don't know yet if it works
it tastes like home
i don't think i can explain that any better
when i get to Xochicuicatl i'm going to have
a fancy bottle of liquor with calendula petals in it
for drinking shot of in the evening
i would say tequila
i think that will overpower the calendula
which is a subtle flavor
so idk
that last song
it was on the piped in music at work
and every time i hear it
it made me think of you
and the way i travel
when i travel
like you were with me
i'm sorry i didn't tell you about that one thing
you were getting up and going off
if it was noticable when you came back
i was going to tell you
i didn't notice when you came back
so i thought you had fixed it
i didn't figure there was any point calling attention
ya know
didn't mean to offend
you better believe i did notice
nice pjs btw
i went through the whole thing twice
i was trying to skip the songs
and just listen to the talking
i was not very successful with that
i still can't find it
maybe i hallucinated it
i'll have to watch every minute of it
and i can't do that tonight
i've already stayed up too late
i'm not sure how coherent this is
i'm agitated
but then
i keep thinking about the dream
where we're talking
and that makes me happy
i love you sweetheart
i'm gonna go dose up
and write a poem