i feel like i went down
a political rant
rabbit hole
the trouble with this tea
is it's bitter
not in a good way
that's why i thought
honey and milky might balance it
because like coffee is bitter
but in a good way
and sweet and creamy
works with coffee
now you might or might not like it
that way yourself
but the flavors work
this is bitter
like radicchio
with like an edge of saccharine
and then something really herb-y thrown in
i want to say sorrel
but i'm not sure i know what sorrel tastes like
so i don't see how that can be right
sorrel is tart
this is not tart
i could try adding tart
like umeboshi
or i could try adding bone broth
i think i'm just gonna learn to like it plain
because that's how i think you are supposed
to drink herb tea
i'm restraining myself
i want to order big bend coffee roasters coffee
link here
they have a dark roast smooth wildfire blend
and a really nice chiapas
the coffee from the grocery store is quite adequate
and less expensive
and i drink a lot of coffee
and i don't drink it black
i put soy milk in it
it's all because i want to symbolically
bring marfa to me
i do love chiapas coffee
whether it's from marfa or not
i mean
the grocery is not going deep on skus right now
i gotta go brew another cup of yuck
be right back
imma try those golden berries in to
they migh help it or make it worse
but there'll be berries at the bottom
like edibles
i've never had edibles
i feel like this is kinda rambling
and i'm sorry about that
whenever i travel
i try to pick up coffee
and honey
because i will use those things
and it kinda extends the trip
ya know
the coffee i have
is stuff i bought 20% the 55% off expiry at work
so it's fine
not a trip i want to continue
and it doesn't matter
i take it out of the bag
pour it in the big jar
and it's all good
not spiritually, ya know
i have the smoked i got 20% off 55% off expiry
although honey does not expire
and i have some
i think i also got at work
from greece
from the mountains of greece
and then i have some i've gotten as gifts
and then i have some just plain old
texas wildflower honey
that hasn't ever helped with my fucking allergies
because i'm not allergic to flowers
i'm allergic to tree pollen
and mold
cedar most of all
which is why
i tell myself
that i don't like in austin
even though i'm totally cool enough
that i should really live in austin
i'm gonna go dose up and write a poem
i have no idea
what i'm doing yet
i love you sweetheart