Wednesday, April 1, 2020

nite chat: 4:1

i said i was taking two weeks off
and that's almost up
i have to figure out some new
selling my old stuff on poshmark or ebay
starting a youtube channel
idk  something
i thought i had gotten back to myself
but idk about today
today was
i thought maybe going to be promising
with journeying
but then
there was texting mom
and other distractions
and maybe i shouldn't listen to those briefings
and now
i'm sort of panicked again

so my journey was interrupted
and i was about to go take them again
i thought maybe i owed you coherency
so imma write a little bit first
then dose
then write some more

i unfollowed that shaman-y chick
and i accepted the follow requests from the people
i worked with that were private accounts
i don't want to mess up my feed
i mean
they're people i care about
i can look at their pictures
in my feed
i'd rather go look at them
all at once
keeping it separate from my feed
i don't have that as an option
so fine

i am weird
but i'm not really using it as social media
i sort of am
but just for new friends i'm making
but mostly still magazine
i have my feed set up
where almost every picture is
like, like, like, like, like
i don't really want my old job
new life

this all makes me sound like a bitch, right

i was just now in my facebook feed
and i hate it
idk why exactly
someone had a post
the song that was the number one hit
the day you were born
is your quarantine theme
and i thought
wonder what that was
so i looked it up

so that's like a sign
might get rough
that's a sign
i'm gonna start writing
something more structured
i'm still gonna write this
[and whose to say this doesn't turn into
something more structured later]
i probably need to stop floating and make myself
act like i know what i'm doing
i wanna float
the new thing doesn't immediately become lucrative
gotta figure this all out
because there isn't money to move to the country yet
don't know where i'm going
like geographically
or anything

my cat
has almost adjusted to the change
he's very confused
and he's been picking up on my anxiety
he's settled back into sleeping
on the blanket
about three feet from me
when he gets freaked out
he sleeps under my chair

he's a sweet boy
and hasn't cut me much
yesterday i was petting him
and i said don't get all riled up
because he does
and then he has to bite and scratch
he gets over stimulated
after i said that
i could see the concentration on his face
he was really trying
and that's not new
i don't think i've told you about it before
and besides
it really touched me

i figured out what to do about the bra situation
i had these two bras
which i ordered
and i couldn't fasten them up
i wasn't sure if they were too small
or if my arms just weren't flexible enough
because it wasn't a regular bra
it was a camisole bra
but with support
so there was more
arms behind your back-ness needed
than usual
and i almost sent them back
but at that point
i thought i was losing a bunch of weight
which now may or may not
end up being the case
i thought
i'll just give that bra a try
i believe it would be just the thing
if i can get it on
arms all the way back
up and down the like five latches
no problem
that's cool

i don't feel good about today in gerneral though
today felt wasted

i'm going to leave this here
i just checked
and myrka has no pictures on instagram
she must just have the account so she can look at pictures
that works out fine
i kinda wish she had pictures
am i not just the damndest thing?!
daniel hasn't responded back yet
but i saw him on facebook
and it's all just gonna be cute pictures of his kids
probably good there too

i love you
i'm gonna go dose
and then i'll be back