Friday, April 3, 2020

nite chat: 4:3

i want french fries

i guess i could make french fries
i haven't cooked anything fried like that
since i don't remember
twenty years maybe
if i want french fries
i either get them from a place
that does them right
i get the frozen ones
and bake em in the oven
depending on how intense
the craving is

no joke
i just had peanuts
and chocolate covered raisins
which is the extent of my
snack food
i could pop popcorn--  i have popcorn
i don't want that
the peanuts and chocolate covered raisins
aren't messy or troublesome
and they should have worked

i'm not really even hungry
at least not anymore

i don't want to waste a bunch of oil
and make a mess
i have potatoes

i am such a pain in the ass

there is this place
i don't think i've told you about it
it's called bernie's burger bus
their menu is like t.g.i.friday's was back in the early early 70s
do you remember that
when it was cool
before it became this horrible chain restaurant
that has devolved into appleby's in the current world
well, anyway
it's like a school themed thing
like the hamburgers are the cheerleader, the principal
and they have this falafel burger that you can substitute
for the meat
and it is delicious, delicious i say
although they are like known for their
smothered fries
i'm not big on that
but they do have just regular fries
they are one of the only places
you can get real onion rings
not those weir things they try to give you
like, everywhere
here, look at this
i would get
you may have guessed
the cheerleader
[with falafel, obvi]
with handcut fries and onion rings
and then not be able to eat it all
it's worth the tummy ache of trying to finish it
omg, want it, want it

so now i'm imagining that we are having a
indoor picnic
maybe we've got some mexican beer
to go with it


i think
i've decided what book to listen to
carlos castaneda  the art of dreaming
i have a bunch of jonathan lethem
which i may listen to

imma go dose up