Friday, April 3, 2020

Okay so I'm awake but I'm lying in the bed and I'm dictating this I have a really bad headache and I'm very very congested but I think that's all because there's a front coming through supposed to get really hot next week
and I've been trying to conserve electricity by using the fan and that's been fine but that's not going to work if it's up into high 90s
It would maybe work if I was in a old school house where I could open up windows and get cross breeze but there's a limit this place is pretty insulated so once it gets hot it pretty much stays hot

But when my alarm went off I was having the stream and I was kind of complicated they were aspects to it I don't know if they were really related in a way that makes sense in reality they made sense somehow in the dream

There was some girl who I had had a crush on for a long time I think and had pretty much given up on but for whatever reason she had decided that maybe she was interested she wasn't sure but maybe and I wasn't really sure how to deal with that
Like I didn't really convince her that she was interested in me because I had pretty much given it up but I still kind of had a just the edge of the thing left for her and I didn't want to discourage her either
And this was like at some dance or social event or something I don't know exactly so she was hanging around and I was not specifically trying to hang her out with her
And then the guy from I mean I think it was like the father who dated Tootsie you know kind of an old guy with kind of a round nose kind of a WC Fields type he was he kept coming up to me and being like do you drink sangria and I'm like yeah I guess I drink sangria and he was like okay haha I need to grab a couple bottles of sangria out of the ice chest or whatever and kind of sidle up beside me like he was going to get me drunk and have his way with me but it was just kind of funny

And there was this restaurant at the whole thing it was like rented out for this party it was enormous party and it went across you know multiple restaurants and clubs and there was a big like hall it was some event that happened every year but I have no idea what kind of event
So going into this restaurant that had been rented out for this event and getting something it was a packet of something stickers or I don't know I can't remember it seemed important in the thing but I can't remember it was like a tradition

And when I came out of that restaurant after getting the packet of whatever it was I was headed to go see someone I am not sure now who it was but my feeling is that there was a person I had actually been developing a relationship with that was like a real relationship not like the girl I had to crush on or the creepy guy who was following me around but like an actual relationship that had been developing over the course of time and somehow that other person and I were meeting and solidifying that at that same event and I was just hoping that all these people following me and having interest in me who I didn't really have any interest in weren't going to eat your fear with that relationship

so I kind of really think the old guy would be a problem but I did sort of think there was a way that the cute girl that had the crush on forever could really cause me some trouble

Oh yeah but this somehow seems like the most important thing I think maybe just because it's warm here but when I walked out of that restaurant where I got my packet cement was so cold it was impressive it wasn't any like snow or anything on it but like when you walked on the cement the cold would radiate up through your shoes and your feet You could feel it it was so cold

I'm not really sure how that was happening or why it was important like I said it might have just been because it's going to warm here and all of a sudden it was really cold and how did I produce cold from warm

anyway that's when I woke up so I didn't get to do any more of the dream

and now I've been laying in bed for like I don't know an hour feeling the fan blow over me I'm trying to stretch out my neck and my shoulders to improve the headache