Thursday, April 2, 2020

I just woke up from a dream because I had to pee and I wanted to try to get some of it down
So those one section where they were going to get this official to sign something they wanted him to sign by doing this very elaborate stopping some place and having him sign paperwork at a podium while he was talking to somebody which seems far fetched but in the dream I thought it had maybe a 30% chance of success and I was going to help him somehow

Then there was another section where it was me but it wasn't me it was somebody who was maybe a little bit younger than me but not a lot she was maybe like 45 and she was tanned and she had very bleached hair she kind of reminded me of this woman I used to work with at Starbucks named Jan back in the early days when I was first a manager and I was sitting in some kind of a diner and I was talking to this guy who was rich and he had this history of investing in certain types of businesses like one of them was coffee shops and he invested in them not so much because he wanted them as an investment but because he wanted a place he could go that was like you know his special little place or something and I was trying to work him somehow and I don't remember most of the conversation but one line was like what are you going to do when you run out of coffee shops and he's like do you have a coffee shop cuz I guess he sort of knew me enough to know I had this history with coffee shops and I'm like I don't but I might

and then there was the section at the end and it might have been connected with that I'm uncertain but on the radio there was a song playing and it was like I think a famous song or a famous band but it was like when I have my death day party

anyway that's it and I did this all on narration so it's probably garbage yeah I just said gobbledygook and it put garbage so God knows what it did to the rest of it hopefully this is good enough that I'll be able to tell what it says