Wednesday, May 6, 2020

quotidienne: coffee + toast 5:6

protea the flower was like a protea, kind of
i don't know when they're having the briefings now
or if they are at differing times
if i'm just missing them on purpose
but i think
maybe it's not bad to miss a few
i know bad shit is going on
i have a pretty good idea what it is
maybe i don't need to focus on that, ya know

i'm not sure it i said
and it probably isn't that important
but the guy in the dream
the one the 80 year old woman
who i really hope i dream about again
that guy was white and he looked vaguely familiar
but when i started trying to place him
i realized there are a bunch of guys who look like that
arliss howard, scott bakula, eric kufs
all kind of like base-line attractive not as good looking as you
but i guess that would be like what i picture
composit-like man

it's funny
because a lot of women think ryan gosling is attractive
but there is something so unattractive to me about him
that it distracts me from his acting
i was very disappointed when they were going to cast him
in the new blade runner
i thought it would ruin it for me

which reminds me
harrison ford is kinda the same type listed above
but he's not
because something about his expressions
his eyes and his smile
the animation of his features
makes him in the very attractive category

and like alexander skarsgard
he's a type that i normally find unattractive
the guy who plays thor most would probably say
was the same type
and i'm not saying he's objectively ugly
there's nothing about him
but with alexander skarsgard
it's his expressions and his voice

and i guess that is what attracts me, really
facial expressions
proof of mental life or something

this guy
being all hal hartly-ified
he had no facial expression to speak of
and i didn't see him as physically attractive
it was something else
some kind of