there's been protest here
i don't think there have been riots
something happened
because like 80 people were arrested
i wish people wouldn't riot
i understand it
i'm not saying i blame them
what tends to happen
it hurts their case
it does a lot of damage
but doesn't really accomplish any of their goals
but, again
i understand why it feels like the only way to make a point
it's such a
i don't even know the word i want to use
when a cop has had seventeen complaints against him
it would seem like really a complete lack of any sort
of even pro-activity on the part of leadership
to not just have already done something
and sure
i don't know what they're dealing with blah blah blah
i mean
come on
i don't even really want to talk about this
i really just feel bad that
i don't know all the details
i'm trying to let them in
bit by bit
but it's all pretty terrible
i'm going to another chat
i don't want this one mixed with something fun