Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I dreamed I was back working at that place I just worked
And Dennis was there but he was about to go to some really big meeting for which he had a suit he was going to change into
And I was just kind of milling about
I do not feel that happy to be there and I did not feel very motivated to do anything for them
and I think I said something to bring up the specter of something person who wasn't with us anymore or something
And then all the employees who are working came in and were saying oh it's weird so and so isn't here it's weird so and so isn't here
But some of those people just weren't there yet and came in subsequently so it was clear that none of the people who had been saying oh it's weird so-and-so isn't here we're talking about that they had been let go or anything it was just weird they weren't there at that particular moment
And there was something about a trash bag
And there was something about tearing down boxes
And I went up to cuz this point it had changed and we were in a I don't know dormitory or something but we each had our own rooms
Well I don't think I had a room but this girl who I don't work with in real life she was in this room and I walked up and knocked on the door and she said yes come in and I walked in with my flattened cardboard box
And I was going to ask her something but then I couldn't remember what I was going to ask her
And she's like are you sure this is what you want to be doing

And then it was still in the same room but there were more people there
There were two African American women one of them was like I guess my age and the other one was old like she could easily have been 80
And the younger one asked me I don't remember her wording but it was something to the effect of the difference between a job and a career
And I said there was a certain kind of axis that you factored career on One was how much you cared about it and really wanted to be doing that and one was how much money it paid
So if something didn't pay very much money
it might be a career for you if that was something you really serious about doing and cared about but other people probably wouldn't consider it to be a career
And then there was money
If something paid a lot of money you might say it was a career even if you didn't really care about it and certainly other people would think it was a career but that if you didn't really care about it it was unlikely you'd really get that far with it anyway
But regardless it wasn't really a career for you
And they both seem to think this was a really good answer
And the 80-year-old said yes I'm managing this young man and he is n't doing that well right now but when people hear him he's going to take off
and it turned out that he was down at the market which was like a kind of a farmer's market on the street right then so I went down and I tried to find him but also I didn't want to work I didn't want to work right then I didn't want to work there and there didn't seem to be anybody who was really watching what I was doing anyway so I decided that what will make me happy what's to go into the street and talk to people or look for the sky or something

and I think they were interactions with other people that I don't really remember because I kind of came to this whole realization that I wanted to do what would make me happy
The being happy was super important
And then I saw the old lady and the guy on the street and he was dressed kind of retro
But it was really more than how he was dressed there was something kind of kind of like he was in a hal hartly film
It just didn't quite seem like he was moving at the same speed as the whole rest of the world he seemed to be in this kind of zen-like alternate reality
Anyway the old lady she was like let me give you his card but don't let him see because I don't want him to know we're doing promotion and do you want me to sign it do you want me to sign the card
And I was thinking why would I want you to sign the card who are you and I don't know y'all anyway so even though I'm not really that big on signatures yeah sure sign it for me
So she signs it and she puts it in my pocket because I'm wearing a shirt with a pocket for some reason and it's like I don't know it's two and a half by three or something it's kind of odd-shaped for a business card and it's not horizontal it's up and down but it's got some kind of a picture of it but it's not a picture of him and as far as I could tell it isn't a picture of an album either
It's a picture of some kind of a I don't know like a flower but a weird sort of a flower
I want to say it was sort of like a proteus but I'm not sure if that's right and at any rate it was up and down not hanging over
That's not a very helpful description I'm sorry because it might not even be the right name of the thing I'm thinking of
It was up and down kind of a cylindrical shape but rounded
And they weren't so much pedals as kind of thorny well no not thorny spiky bits
Kind of a tulip thistle
Although that's kind of inadequate description

Anyway he said something to me
And I don't know what it was
I don't know if it actually even was all that profound but it affected me somehow

And so then I think I was another person and he and the old lady came up to my stall in the market I didn't really have any sense of there being a change butI hadn't had a stall in the market before so I'm assuming that it's a different person
Although I did seem to be having a sense of seeing them again somehow which they didn't seem to recognize me
and I talked with the guy a little bit more and I became even more impressed with him
And he looked at my pictures which were prints
And he wanted like three of them
for a very cheap price that normally I would have been very offended like I mean it was only slightly more than one of them but he wanted three
But I was so taken with balance somehow even though I hadn't heard him perform
It was just something about him and what he said and I don't know he seemed
Almost like I don't know
A spiritual leader
But he didn't introduce himself as that at all
And I was like wait let me see if I can do that trying to figure out how much I had paid for the production of the prints and for the stall and all that stuff and see if I was going to like lose money if I gave them the prints at that but I couldn't work the calculator I just couldn't make any of that number stuff work so I think I ended up just giving them to him either that or I took whatever he was offering me I can't really remember which thing cuz I think I woke up right about that but again
It's like this alternate version of myself or this other person or whoever I was I like turn to the camera you know fourth wall'n it
And said it's very important to be happy I don't really care about all these other details
I just want to do what makes me happy

And that was kind of the outro I don't know if there was more dream after that or not That's what I remember and I'm sure there were other dreams before this whole dream started

and the old lady she tried to give me a card again and I'm like but you already gave me one
but then she tried to take the old one and give me a new one and I don't know if that actually happened or not so I'm not sure what that means

it takes me longer to dictate these things than you'd think it would
I've up for about an hour now
And I really haven't done anything else except try to get the dream clear in my head and dictate it

that seems like a lot more time than that would take anyway up now