Monday, May 25, 2020

I dreamed I stopped by it was definitely a coffee shop and they were super busy so I clocked in
But before that now that I think of it
I've been talking to one of the supervisors or assistant managers or like assistant managers
And he was doing some kind of thing on the calculator I was trying to figure out the deposit or reconcile the weekly paperwork or something
But he'd almost finished it
But I think he was having some kind of problem and I wanted to help him
And then I went out front and they were super busy and so I clocked in to help them but I didn't ask permission first I just clocked in
And there was this lady and she kept mumbling her order and I thought she wanted a non-fat latte but it turned out that when I asked her very closely what she wanted but she really wanted was a mint chocolate chip frappuccino with no whipped cream and then she wanted pound cake to pound cake turned out to be all dry
And she was like complaining the whole time about how she wasn't getting what she wanted and the cake was all little or dry or bad in some way
And she was British I don't know why that's important
but it took forever and I got her all sorted out so I didn't really help them all that much by clocking in because I really only helped one person
She was just a really high maintenance person
and then when I finished with her the line had gone away and so I started looking for things that I could break down and start cleaning
But I hadn't been supposed to work that day
And the assistant manager came out and he's the key I'm not accusing you of anything but I heard you parked really close in the customer only space
and I'm like well I was just stopping in for a minute on my day off I wasn't planning on being here and he's okay but you are so
And I'm like I was really just leaving He's like okay and I was like well are you working on Friday and he's like no I'm off and I'm like what about Saturday and he's like no I'm off Saturday too and I'm like well then I'm not going to see you
and he's like well I'll see you when you come to pick up your check and I'm like well can I have a hug I'm really going to miss you
And he's like yes
But you know you really broke my heart when you quit
And then I was telling him about a dream I had had before that dream where I had found all these cases of electric reindeer wine
And how it wasn't an inventory and I was going to make so much more profit when I was selling that at Christmas and making all these plans
And then I realized that I wasn't going to
That I was never going to do that again
and I was just dreaming about that s*** for no reason at all
And it made me really sad

So I hugged him
And I went out to my car
And I was talking to myself
And I was like what is that s*** just go in and start randomly volunteering to do people's prep work

And I had been dreaming previously and I was remembering it then
In that dream
Something about texts
I had been trying to keep up with some kind of
I don't know like friendship circle or something
Like it was texting back and forth of certain kinds that was necessary to maintain the bonds of friendship
And I was having a hard time with it

And then I thought I should text this guy that I had just talked to for some reason

And there was a whole lot more to that dream
The one I was remembering in this dream
There was some kind of code-ing
Not like programming like
I don't know spy stuff or something but not
And there was something to do with money and credit cards
and it was all tied in also with some kind of art
Some kind of conceptual art
But I don't really remember how it worked
It wasn't a femoral quality to it
Somehow like those books where you draw a picture on every page and then you flip them and you get like a movie
Not that at all some sort of ephemeral construction
And I was trying to do that but then I had to do all these texts that I did not feel up to

And even though supposedly I had been right in front in the parking lot I was having to walk through this field of torn up muddy something
who's kind of deep and it was kind of hard to get through
And when I was coming up out of it I was buy some parked cars and there was a keychain that had keys to some car on it
And I was really seriously thinking about picking up the keychain and just looking for the car that it went to
I'm taking that and driving away
but I was having this realization that things that I hated were things that I loved
And I was unhappy about that
And the keys were really big
And then I think I woke up

So I'm not very happy
About that dream at all

Because it seems like it's telling me stuff that I really don't want to hear

But then also the dream within the dream stuff is pretty interesting

And the key is pretty interesting too