that was a long deep rabbit hole
but it felt like i was being led
i ordered a mushroom tincture
i'm trying not to get my hopes all up
i'm tired
my neck is all jacked up
i probably have been sitting
with my head at a bad angle for hours
i probably can't be super chatty
right at this juncture
all i really want to say
is that i feel very grateful for you today
that is the overwhelming emotion
not fear of my future
not anxiety
not depression
happiness that i know you
stay healthy and safe and happy
this monday
is going to be a good day
i know it
i'll be up in about six hours
to tell you about any dreams i remember
i love you so much
if you have time
think something at me at about ten
your time and let's see if i can hear it
in the dreamtime
i bet i can
goodnight sweetheart
i love you very much