Thursday, July 2, 2020

where is don lemon? 7:2

i've been watching the news
all day
well, since i've been up anyway
where is don lemon
i really need don lemon
i've been anaylzing why
i think it's that deadpan look
where you like know exactly what he's thinking
but he does not need to say it
his restrained sarcasm
his attitude
and the way he conveys it
without needing to display

i just love that

rachael maddow
she's great
i love her
she's sarcastic
she says what she thinks
she gets mad
whatever--  i really like her
don lemon

i hope he's on vacation
i hope he's getting rested up
i hope nothing is wrong with him

i'm not sure how much i like chris cuomo
he's ok
i don't dislike him
and whatever
i probably like him better than anderson cooper
who i'm not crazy about

joy is growing on me
the woman who is filling in for don lemon
i can't remember her name right now
i like her
not instead of don lemon