Friday, July 17, 2020

Okay that wasn't a nap
I couldn't sleep so I took some melatonin and I react very strongly to melatonin so I just took a teeny tiny bit like the capsule is 5 mg I open it up and poured less than half of that on my tongue cuz 5 mg is like you know a lot for me it's more of an emergency situation like desperate can't sleep type thing

But I don't know when that was but I think it was like 12 hours ago and I woke up I set my alarm for like a couple hours after so maybe it was 2:00 when I went to I don't know I don't know what time it was I'm still kind of disoriented

But I set an alarm and when the alarm went off I got up to pee and I was like two dizzy and groggy to even go make myself something to eat so I just went back to bed

So I'm kind of hungry now
And I guess it's Saturday is that right
But like Friday night Saturday morning
I hope you're doing okay

I think it's interesting
How this day night thing for me doesn't seem to ever stabilize it just seems to be completely free floating

Anyway I sort of feel like I should get up now
maybe it would make more sense to go back to sleep and get up in the morning I don't know
But I had a lot of sleep I feel pretty awake now I think still feel a little fuzzy
I could go lay back down and see if I fall back asleep
but I am kind of hungry so I think I'm probably going to get up
The cat was super happy to be sleeping on me
He doesn't like to sleep on me during the day
He's got a schedule to keep He's got to look out the window He's got to do whatever he's got to do I don't know but he doesn't like to sleep with me for more than 10 minutes or so in the day and sometimes he'll do that multiple times but at night he will just sleep on me for long periods of time so I don't know when he got on me
But he seemed hunkered in for the long haul