Sunday, July 26, 2020

Okay I'm sort of up now
I dreamed that my job which I'm not sure where it was I worked sent me and I think they sent it digitally
Some kind of thing
That said if I paid $36
And it was unclear if I was supposed to pay it every month or if I was supposed to pay it once
I suspected it was a monthly thing
But then I would have access to like $900 and something dollars
And I was like this doesn't make any sense
Because what they were sending me looks like if I sent them $36 or I think had them deduct $36 for my check
Then I would just have like close to $1,000
Like just pay 36 get $900 and something
And I knew that could not be right because I did not make any sense
I knew it had to be something like pay $36 every pay period and then have there be $900 and something dollars at some point in the future or like insurance or something
There was some catch
But I was trying to find out what that was
because the idea of paying $36 and then just right away getting access to $900 and something dollars was just too compelling to say it's got to be a trick and walking away from
I wanted to understand what was really going on before I walked away from it
But I just could not seem to find the information that would let me figure it out
And then I woke up
I'm sure I had other dreams before that but I don't remember what they were

It is thundering really really loud
and the weather did say it was supposed to rain all week
And that's kind of thing always makes me a little nervous
But there was no indication that it wasanything other than a moving front system so I'm not like afraid
But I mean yesterday it was really really dark and it's really really dark now too I could see it through the blanket that's up on the window

so I guess once I'm officially up I'll try to figure out what's going on with the with the weather but really really loud thunder just rumbling so much that it almost feels like it's shaking the house

I hope you're doing well
I love you very much
I'm going to go get coffee and stuff and I've got that phone meeting thing at 3:00