Thursday, July 16, 2020

1 nite chat: 7:16

i couple of days ago
my mom was reminding me to do my taxes
for some reason this pisses me off
i used to think
well, she's just looking for an excuse to call me
and it still pissed me off
because i've been doing my taxes
for over thirty years
i probably am competent to remember to do them
i probably don't need my mommy to remind me
ya know
one time she called me on my cell phone
when i was in a district meeting at starbucks
and i took the call
because i thought it must be an emergency
it's not like she usually reminds me
it's just random
i thought it was an excuse to call me

we've been checking in every day
during this whole quarantine
and she reminded me anyway
which only mildly pissed me off

the first time

but then she did it again
and i'm like
because god damn

but then
i went to do them
i knew where all my shit was
it's right here with this important stack of papers
right here by my computer

well, no, it wasn't

i couldn't find the fuckers
i had to find old pay stubs
to figure the amount to file the extension
which i did
but then
i was all like
the fuck

am i gonna have to go crawling in to work
hope dennis is still there
get him to help me with the portal
i know i had it
it's got to be here somewhere
but i have no idea where
if it wasn't where i knew it was
i go looking just now
totally unrelatedly
for my chain from austin
and i have some jewelry in my bra drawer
and i thought that's where it was
and it was
you know what else was in there
my W2

why is it in my bra drawer
when did i put it in my bra drawer
i have no idea
and no recollection

i think i need more drawers
apparently i want to put everything in drawers