Monday, July 27, 2020

birthday reading

So I generally never read with and I'm not even sure that you're supposed to read with the water crystal oracle
But I felt called to so I'm doing it
And the cards you got
Lourdes water
Autonomic nerve hado

So I think this is about faith not necessarily any sort of religious faith but just faith in the universe faith in the power of love to heal 
That kind of going into the sacred grotto of your psyche and using what you find there
To strengthen your nerve your anxiety to be able to get past any of that anxiety or tension or depression or the things that have a negative impact on your psychological being but are rooted in your autonomic nervous system the way your body functions
To boost your confidence to do new things and try new things which is already a strength of yours but to just reach higher levels and transcend any limitations that you may have

Then these other cards are from a deck I bought when I was going to the metaphysical store and I never really kind of got what I was supposed to do with them
It's a pretty small deck so it doesn't shuffle very well and it's called initiation to the stars
And I think what you're supposed to do is look at all the pictures and pick a portal that you resonate with and then pick a guide the same way
But that never really works for me because they're all kind of amazing
I mean quetz'l is one of the guides so there's that
But what I did for you for your reading was to turn the cards all upside down on the table and then just run my hand over the cards until I felt an electrical current
Which is what happens when I pick cards that way and so you got for your guide you got Ganesh the remover of obstacles and for your portal you got Hopi
And I thought that was weird and didn't really line up so I looked back through to see if there was an Indian portal or something that seemed to be related to Ganesh and there was not so it wasn't just a mistake there wasn't a portal that went with Ganesh
But when I read them in the book there was a surprising amount of crossover in kind of what they were talking about
and I thought well yeah sure they're talking about stars but you know it's like Stargate or something but then I read through the other ones and they didn't all sound the same so...
So the Ganesha one is talking about he'll throw stars at you and the Hopi one is talking about came from the stars
So I'm going to put those together and I'm going to say Life will throw things that you
And ganache will turn them to stars
Unless they hit you your mind your body your essence absorb the stars into yourself
You came from the stars and you are a star
And the obstacles are made of stardust the same as you and the kachinas will lead you through the portal back to the stars while Ganesh dances

And that may sound very esoteric
And not terribly useful in day to day life perhaps
But it's a metaphor
And as a metaphor it really isn't all that different from the water Oracle crystals

So then I've been trying to find tarot deck Oracle deck matchups and I just don't have as many cards as I sort of thought I did
I mean I guess I do have more cards than I actually have out and ones that I use for sure I do
I have a baseball to row
I have a crop circle Oracle
I got other stuff I haven't been through all of them yet
I've really just gone through the ones that I like and use and I've only found one set that pairs up
But the way you can tell that they pair up is that they like vibe together so you do this thing where you put two halves of the tarot deck and then one in the middle of the Oracle and you turn them over so you have turo Oracle Toro and the Oracle will relate to the tarot like a bunch of times in a row

And so the decks that I have found that work together are the Mary El Tarot and the sacred symbols deck
So I use those to do your reading
And when I shuffled it we had a jumper
So that is this like feathered winged angel coming up out of the deep with these like crab claws
And I think we're going to have to say that that's about grasping and tenacity like here's this sort of angelic being but he's got these sort of wicked claws
And I think it's saying that there's all this subconscious essence that is angelic and maybe ties into that whole kind of lourdes saintly energy water the holy water and yet the hands coming up out of the water are tref
So maybe that
Is a thing
Maybe the holy and beautiful and really deep love needs to have a representation that is not holy that is not Orthodox
And six of cups if this were right or weight deck which it isn't has to do with nostalgia but I don't think that really translates here I don't think this is about nostalgia at all I think it's about using an unorthodox method that doesn't seem like it's about love or holiness to convey something that you want to convey that's deeply spiritual and deeply psychological

And then the regular cards that we got were the three of swords and the high priestess and Morningstar but then I went ahead and drew another card so that it would all balance out because that felt like the right thing to do and so you got Morningstar and you got Thunderbird tracks
And Morningstar is specifically tied to kachinis interestingly enough and Thunderbird tracks is also native American and is like a lucky card
Three of swords swords are about thought
And if this were a rider weight deck which it is not then three of swords would be about sadness and heartbreak but like I said it's not a rider weight deck so the three is about balance and the beginning of a structure of thought
And it has a dove a piece of with the three swords
And the dark clouds
So the contrast of the dove that's kind of dirty with the swords I think is just kind of a reinforcement there are ideas You're having ideas that are balancing and creating a new sort of Holiness or purity that's not pretty in white and clean it's a little grungy and humanized
And the high priest this is all about inspiration and depths

so it's like all of this is getting reinforced and I thinkI think you're going to come up with some sort of really breakout thing like this is some deeply personal
Deeply personal project
It's going to connect with people on a very real level but transmit a holy message
Which doesn't seem like it's really a new thing
But it is going to be a new thing somehow
And that's my reading
Or prediction maybe

It's like you're going to go there
Wherever there is
That place that you didn't want to go
Didn't feel comfortable going
But you've got all the luck and you've got all the yeah you've got all the luck cuz ganesha's luck too and then Thunderbird tracks and Morningstar
Yeah whatever it is that you've been wanting to do and I'm getting this is creatively but whatever it is you've been wanting to do this year you're going to have more insight and more inspiration into it something important for yourself and for connecting with people

That's it I don't know if that was a good reading or something you wanted
But that that's it maybe I can do another spread and see if I can get something else