Sunday, July 5, 2020

nite chat: 7:5

well maybe i should have listened
to all the days
i didn't
i dedicated today to it
i've listened to a lot of today
i haven't had much sleep
i had two and a half to three
this morning and
about an hour this afternoon

i was pretty tired
i wasn't sure i'd be able to stay up
for john prine
i really wanted to
and i did
and toots too

i don't think i'm gonna make it to steve earle
i have pressure behind my right eye
that says
go to bed

i love you
i hope your weekend has been funner than you hoped
i feel much better than i did
whenever it was that i was telling you
that i didn't feel that great

i love you very very much indeed

p.s. maybe
it just occurred to me
maybe you didn't say
that you hadn't ever heard lake marie
maybe you said you didn't know it
not necessarily the same thing
it's a good song
kinda sad
not too sad, considering
and that's one of the things
i like about john prine
he's keeping ya thinkin
so you can't get all country sad
maybe that isn't the best way to describe it
i'm pretty tired

he's like a teacher of the human essence
when i was saying
i didn't know if it was better for him to live or not
i didn't mean
because he was old
i meant because
he'd already been through a lot physically
and i didn't know how much worse covid
would make it
i didn't know if he would have
a life that he would want to live
i'm always
nervous about making demands
on behalf of other people
unless i feel like i really know what i'm talking about
so that was not designed to be disrespectful
it was respectful

maybe you knew that
but, just in case, i wanted to make it clear

i am listening to steve earle now
i may listen a bit