Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Today is a bad headache day
I got up but I decided horizontal was better so I'm lying in the bed in the dark
I dreame d I was living in this really nice high-rise type situation
And I was married to a woman
And I'm not sure exactly what she did for a living
But one of our friends came over
And she was a comedian
And she's like I'm going to use the n word in my act
Then I was like no I think that's a really bad idea
I think under no circumstances should you do that
Is she was like maybe late 30s
And Asia not black
So I mean no way she could be incredibly using that word
So we went and we're sitting at the table like the dining table
And my wife just sounds weird
Husband also sounds weird
My life partner
She was sitting there working on some stuff
And I'm not sure how old she was
She's really beautiful
And I'm guessing she was about my same age
but I might have been a little younger in the dream
But you know not young maybe mid to late forties
And I don't know who she looked like I'm sure she looked like somebody
Everybody looks like somebody
She just kind of exuded this power
I'm still trying to figure out who she looked like
She's a somewhat light skinned black woman
With hair that was falling in sort of loose waves to her shoulders that didn't look processed in any way but I suspect that it was
And that was the general vibe of her was that she was just exactly how she wanted to look
Not trying to be anything for anybody
Not glamorous
Not masculine
Just really sophisticated and powerful
And our friend the comedian
Sat down at the table and she was all like excited
And I said you're not going to like this
And she said no I could tell I'm not
And she said I'm going to use the n word in my act
And she said okay I'm going to produce your act but you are under no circumstances going to use the n word

almost like the comedian had said that because she knew that was what would get her to produce the act and she knew that she knew that
And it was some kind of little game that they were playing
and I don't know if that was what was really happening or if that's just my interpretation of it
But I think the comedian had just been trying to kind of
I don't know maybe they were both just trying to get a rise out of me

And then I had another one where I had the covid