Thursday, July 30, 2020

going to bed soon
i think i figured out something
there was a point
back in 16 or 17
when you were reacting toward me
like you thought i was a republican
at the time
i was confused
i am not now nor have i ever been
and i knew i had expressed some opinions
that didn't fit the template of whatever,ya know
the world operates now in such a way
that by a couple sentences in
if you've said the wrong thing
you've already been categorized
i had feels about that

i think i probably said "democrat party"
without realizing that was a trigger word
i think i just heard it said a lot
you know how shortening words is a thing
i think i liked the way it sounded better
without realizing
that was not an approved shortening
i still like the sound of it better
i don't say it
if, as i suspect, i did do that
approximately four years ago
i'm really sorry for being offensive
and for assuming you were trying to box me