Tuesday, July 14, 2020

I had one of those dreams that has a freeway in it but there wasn't any car
It was like a walking freeway somehow
And I ran into somebody I knew
Not somebody I know in real life
Somebody I knew in the dream
And I didn't have a mask

And I was worried about not having the mask
For two reasons
One was that he was sick
But the sickness that he had
Was an immunocompromised disease
So I was worried about the mask because I didn't want to get him sick
I don't think I was sick
But I don't think I was sure
But then I was also kind of afraid I was going to get whatever it was that he had
So it was really awkward
I'm like trying to cover my face

I feel like there was more than that
There was some kind of migration
I don't know whether it was like great depression migration
Or if something else was going on
I don't think it was like street protest

Anyway my dreams are kind of not relaxing
I'm trying to spend extra time thinking happy thoughts before I go to bed but maybe it isn't working

I hope everything is good with you
oh and that list from this morning I didn't like an exhaustive list that's like my favorites