Thursday, July 23, 2020

I had a headache and I lay down and I fell asleep
I did not intend to go to sleep
But I'm not like distraught and I went to sleep

Before I fell asleep I was having these kind of I'm not sure exactly what to call them
In that last tiny house the one that's all white with the windows all over the place
I was having these images of me and the bedroom and having the bedroom be almost like a temple
And I just slept on futons that I then rolled up and I would sit in the middle of the room and meditate
And that's about as far as I got but it was really interesting

But then in my dream
They were a bunch of parts I don't really remember
One part I was telling somebody how things used to be
Another part that was a person in the parking lot
Basically screaming grievances
And somebody was angry and wanted us arrested
But the authority figure was not a police officer
I think it was a security guard
Just kept telling her
They're just having a very heated discussion
But that wasn't true we weren't really even talking to each other
And I went to some grocery store
And I had some interactions for sure
But I don't remember them
But as I was leaving I was talking to manager supervisor of some kind and we were talking about how there was another store
And I think they were thanking me for coming to their branch instead of the other one
Because they knew it was closer to me
And I was saying no it wasn't closer it was exactly the same distance
and we were talking about the thing that would recommend them over this store was their wine selection
And I was saying that in spite of that I always came to their branch
I feel like there was more to that like it was somehow very significant
I'm still kind of nodding off a little
I'm going to stay laying down but I've got my alarm set for about 30 minutes
And then I'm going to get up and get something to eat