Wednesday, July 8, 2020

I had such a great night
I don't know
Maybe I could learn to make music
it doesn't look that hard but they're doing on the computer but I have absolutely no experience with it
and I don't mean oh it doesn't look that hard they don't have any talent I could do that that isn't what I mean
Obviously those people are really great musicians
I just mean the software doesn't look insurmountable
And I understand the concepts
Can I play the piano a little bit
Just not well
I don't know I might want to try it

I forgot
But I had this dream
Somebody was telling me
You think you can sing but you can't
I was kind of like okay whatever

Because it's not like I'm claiming to be some great singer so why is this person going out of their way to tell me I can't sing

but I think it was because I was singing in the dream
Which honestly I can't recall ever doing before
So I don't know if that's significant or not
but it was more interesting than working in a coffee shop
And I think I've stopped having those dreams

I think it would be really fun
To collect natural sounds
And manipulate them into pieces of music
With synthesizers

I'm going to sleep for a little while
I love you very much