Saturday, July 11, 2020

i got tired and slept for a while

here's the latest law of attraction fun
i decided i wanted bee pollen
not pine pollen or anything like that
just straight up bee pollen
to eat on vegan yogurt

i was looking around on etsy
and i wanted
bee pollen from hawaii

but i didn't see anything
and then i realized
i had already found a family
in ohio
that i had saved because they had honey
really good looking honey

they had pollen too
and i had already vetted them
i just ordered it from them

and i was really expecting it to come yesterday
but it didn't, and i'm gonna tell you why

i was checking the tracking
after they shipped it
do you know where that pollen went
from ohio
to honolulu

i was like wtf
and i sent them a message
did you maybe get the labels swapped
maybe this wasn't my pollen, in other words
no they were sure it was the right package

sure enough
it's on it's way back to the mainland
but it occurred to me

it will technically be
pollen from hawaii
not what i meant
exactly what i said

how often have you ordered something in the mail
that only had to come
thirteen hundred ish miles
forty five hundred miles out of it's way
and back