Thursday, July 30, 2020

nite chat: 7:30

i was  looking at you
and i am again
because i was having trouble with the stream
it kept cutting out
well, technically
i'm just listening to you
at this exact moment

i just looked at you again
your side burns
is that one word?  or two?
i love em
normally, if you have em
they're all trimmed and neat
now they're quarantine-resplendent
i love em
and it makes me wonder
what you'd look like with a beard
let me just say
i don't much like beards, generally
have you ever done the full
beard action

i have no idea how long i've been wearing this shirt
i think two weeks
might be a generous guess
it's just perfect
it'slight weight
and it's a blend of cotton and modal
(i think that's how you spell it)
it's too big
it doesn't really look good to wear out
i got it on clearance and i figured it would probably look sloppy
if i get shirts too big it doesn't usually look good
i figured if they didn't look good
i'd sleep in em
i did wear em to work
i never want to wear anything else--  ever

this shirt is light gray heathered
and i've been wearing it for a year
and it looks good

i guess
where i'm goin with this
if you haven't ever done the beard thing
which maybe you have
if you haven't
this might be the the time

not trying to push you either way
just a thought

i think you look great
and i love the current facial hair situation