Tuesday, July 21, 2020

edited so it's readable

So this next reading that I did the book didn't come with any tarot layouts and I'm not all about tarot layouts anyway but for some reason I wanted one and so this is I don't remember what it was called but it's got five cards
And it's laid out in you know four with one at the bottom
card one is what is my soul personality
Card 2 is directly across from that what is my soul's purpose
then three is underneath one advice for soul development
four is across from three and underneath two advice for progress
And then five is at the bottom underneath the space between the columns and it's am I fulfilling my soul's purpose

Okay so card one what is my soul's personality
I got dreamer of coral which would be the same as page of cups

She can feel when the waterfall is cut off and knows they have diverted its course for electricity. She plays with white seals in that intimacy of islands connected to open sea. She brings the cheetah's habitat back to life, here's him making requests in the cup of her being.

Okay so card two what is my soul's purpose
I got seven of wings
Which you may remember was the first card I got in you know can you give me advice on what to do to support myself without getting a job
Which I thought was an interesting really interesting quote coincidence end quote
Seven of wings
Would be seven of swords

They call him tricky, Mercury is always so, leading you through endless maddening play. The mind is so. Can you juggle with it and watch your back simultaneously? You are weaving your own wings how will you use them?

Okay advice for sole development I got death
which doesn't actually mean death but was still like a laugh out loud experience for me but this definition of death and really this card of death is really kind of amazing

What you know turns inside out--You may not recognize this new place but it has great value. The pollen of a trillion flowers makes and unmakes you, this the honeycomb of your bright existence. keep your wits about you as you harvest metamorphosis.

Okay so then for advice for progress I got eight of spirals which is funny because eight of spirals is eight of pentacles which in rider waite is like development through hard work it's tied in with masonry and journeymanship and all that kind of stuff but it's specifically like the hard work card
Which was like kind of another laughing out loud moment

Eight of spirals
Eight of pentacles eight of disks state of stones

Apprenticing infinity in the here and now. The love that I feel for you is always love for you. Make the diamond body.

And then the last card which is am I fulfilling my soul's purpose I got the moon which coincidentally is one of the cards that I got and the answer to what kind of work are we going to do together basically with the deck so I thought that was an interesting coincidence as well

She may open a vein of longing to last for generations or take you back further than the usual couple thousand years; a bridge to a much older time. You feel it in the dreaming, all those voices. We're in that boat again. A man demonstrates an elemental feat, makes striking sounds instead of words, becomes the night. Mesmerized, you ride the swell of magnified feeling, Dionysian, electric.  Our captain docks with her eyes closed as she considers those teachers that work with the Other side. She senses land mass changes through the ages, sees that piece of curve and strait while deep within she hears: the sea the sea the sea. How many turnings of pattern and labyrinth can you float in at once?


What does what the f*** does that all mean?
Well I mean on the one hand you could say it's just a bunch of hooey
But on the other hand I feel like that has given me a more me answer than anything else I've ever read
I mean I don't have to read the book I could just look at things and you know more or less get the answers but the book is pretty short and clear and well okay clear might be an exaggeration but it's poetry basically it's all metaphors but really cool and I feel like that this was exactly what I wanted and hopefully it's exactly what I needed

But if what I wanted was some sort of clear straightforward you know answery answer then I shouldn't have gone to Tarot for it anyway You know what I'm saying

And it's raining now so cool