Monday, July 6, 2020

I dreamed that I was at my grandparents house
And I think I was sick
and I went to the pantry to get something to eat because I was also hungry
And it didn't look like they're pantry
I mean it looked like their pantry but the stuff that was in it didn't look like stuff they would have had in their pantry
But I can't explain exactly what I mean by that
Because I don't remember exactly what I saw
I just remembered that I went to the pantry looking for food and kind of left shaking my head
And then I went into the living room
And my grandmother was in her chair
And usually when I would sit in there and talk to her I would sit in my grandfather's chair
Because he was usually off doing something
But today he seemed to have stuff in his chair and by his chair like he was about to come back
But then there was stuff on the sofa too
So I wasn't sure where I should sit
and then he came back in and said hey I need your help
And I was like okay
I couldn't really remember him ever doing that before
So I went out into the back
Enclosed area where the washer and dryer were
Which is where he was
And he had the sofa cushions for like an outdoor sofa that looked like they had never been washed
They were really really dirty and they had leaves inside of them I found out because he was wanting to know how to wash them
And I'm like well this material is likely not to be washable
Do you have any woolite
And he did not know what were like was
And I'm like like let me open these up
and see if there's a tag inside that says anything about washing instructions
so I unzipped them That's how I learned that were lots of leaves inside
And sure enough the tag said do not wash
But they were for some kind of outdoor thing
So water shouldn't hurt them
At least not as such
So I was like well I think the thing to do
Is to beat them out really good so that all the dust and everything gets beaten out and then just hose them down really thoroughly with the hose
cuz if you take them off and wash them in the washer they might shrink or come apart or something
But he did not seem to think that that was the answer
And then I don't remember