Tuesday, July 14, 2020

how did we get here? 7:14

When people asked me back in January--  or maybe early February--  what I said was:  well, you know, every couple of years there's something that's going to kill us all and yet we are still here.  That was my initial response.

Then, pretty early in February, the information started coming out of Milan.  At that point, I re-assessed.  Clearly this wasn't a false alarm.  By mid March I had a completely stocked larder and cashed in investments.  I thought I would spend several months in my apartment.  I thought the government would get caught up.  I thought they would set up track and trace.  I thought they would stage re-opening.

Now.  The United States of America is living a--  the best metaphor I've heard is dumpster fire.

Not going back to school is killing people?  The kids must go back to school.  But what is the plan?  The individual districts and cities should use the available examples for what to do, but they must go back to school or we will withhold funding.

There's still no contact tracing, at least here, and even if there were, I think the numbers are too large and the lag time on testing are too great for that to be effective.

I'm sitting in the city with the largest medical center in the world.  They're at full capacity and into overflow.  The refrigerated truck.  It's refrigerated truck time.  Did New York not happen?  Did Milan not happen?  Was there really no plan?

I don't understand how the governor and lt. governor have not been bodily pulled through the crust of the earth into the burning hell that they deserve for sucking the tangerine messiah's winky little pud.

I'm too mad to continue.  This didn't have to be this bad.