Thursday, July 16, 2020

3 nite chat: 7:16

this morning
i did a tarot draw
what is my message from the universe
and by morning
i mean
before i went to sleep
at like eleven thirty am 7/15

terminology gets fuzzy

and the cards i drew
nine of cups
the magician
my response to that was awwww
you are so sweet
whereas sometimes
i look at cards and think, huh?
that just seemed so clear

your every wish will come true
you got the magic, baby

it could have meant something else
sometimes you are the magician
and the nine of cups is the wish card
so it could be about us

i just did it again
and i got the magician again
but the two of swords was the other card
and i never quite know what two of swords means
it just never sticks