Tuesday, July 14, 2020


i've had a very weird day
i dreamed that i was sick
and there was a hurricane coming
i was working to get ready for it
who i just worked with
and a guy whose name i don't really remember
steve something i think
i worked with him at the bookstop
there were a bunch of steves
he might not have been steve
i liked him
but then i didn't so much
and i can't remember the exact circumstances
for the change
but i haven't thought of him in a while

i have the same sort of
like but not like action going on with amanda

it wasn't a good dream
i thought i had covid

but then
i was in dallas
at least it was supposed to be dallas
i can't say i really recognized it
and i was living with
an asian woman i barely knew
and her kid
son, i think
i really really liked her
she was so nice to me
even though she didn't really know me
and i don't think i was sick in this dream
there was something going on
i needed to be doing something
or i was on vacation
but it was dallas
but she kept cooking really interesting food
and i couldn't quite go do
whatever it was i was supposed to do

and then
i did masks
and watched the news for a long time
and made a really good salad
with radishes
which i've never done before
and i made a salad dressing
with limes
and garlic
and olive oil
which was also new
and avocado
which isn't new

i think i worried about things

the dreams were underscoring the news

the i decided to bust out the granactive retinoid
which i have a bottle of
i opened last night
i decided that i used to use it every day
so i should use it again tonight
and then
i thought
i really should have a snail cream
but i don't
and then i looked up snail creams
and picked my face
and put on more retinoid
every time i scraped it off

i'm generally over-stimulated
kinda zoned out at the same time
i haven't had anything to say, really

i like mississippi john hurt
solstice garden
palmadillo 2
between memory and dream
sally's cruise
orange bowl

not necessarily in that order

i have not been productive or good
i have just been sort of lost
not exactly in thought
but not
just lost

not one of my better days
i didn't sink into depression
i didn't maintain the happy happy vortex

i've been at it for 15 hours
and that doesn't seem possible

might sleep some soon
not sure
i love you very much sweetheart