Friday, July 3, 2020

Okay that was a lot longer than I planned to sleep
But I had really cool dreams
We made art
We went to exhibits
I think we ate some good food I don't remember
I went to the spa kind of place
Which wasn't like a regular spot much I don't think
I think it was more like be happy camp
There were good smells and fun activities
And fancy cleaners in the bathroom that smelled good and didn't contain any chemicals
And the most important thing
These two guys who ran the place
And they were very meticulous they had every detail planned out to where it was just delightful but before I just woke up I walked down the hall to go to the bathroom
And the hall wasn't really hot I mean it was like open it was like some kind of Japanese I don't know what you call it
And the two guys they were making these One of them was making a cheesecake ice cream and the other one was making a lemon sorbet but they were doing it in this very elaborate artisanal like Japanese way
And that was really cool but the important thing is
Ice cream
And sorbet

And cheesecake ice cream sounds a little too rich
One time I was at katz' with somebody
And we shared one of their cheesecake shakes
Which I don't know maybe that's just something they do here maybe that's not like a nationwide thing or maybe it's everywhere outside of New York I don't know
It's crazy a shake is too rich and cheesecake is too rich but they're both delicious but you put them together and it's way way way too much
But still really tasty
but then if you had lemon sorbet that cuts all that fat and richness so actually
If you were going to eat cheesecake ice cream I think the way you'd want to do it is with some lemons or bay and that's just the way this place was I mean it was amazing it was amazing
It might it might be the funnest dream I ever had
well except for maybe some that were like all wild and surreal but I mean as far as just things happening that you would enjoy this was the best dream ever
No sex though maybe it could have been better if it was sex
But I'm not sure about that they were making freaky Japanese artisanal ice cream in like these whole wood casks or something it was crazy