Tuesday, July 21, 2020

edited to be readable

I got a new tarot deck
Which you might have seen coming
But I have tended to get them at big pivotal times in my life when it just seems like the ones I had before weren't quite cutting it
And that's an oversimplification on both counts
because sometimes I've bought tarot decks just because I was you know taking a class or saw something I really liked but the ones that have become decks that I read with for myself with the exception of that period of time when I was taking the tarot class and generally involved with going to the metaphysical bookstore on a regular basis I did buy more during that period of time although that was a fairly pivotal time generally

But these ones that I have and I've been talking about are important decks for me

and so it's an oversimplification because I haven't really only bought decks when I'm at a pivotal point but the decks that become the important decks are the ones that I buy at pivotal points so that's one oversimplification

and of course the other oversimplification is that I don't have to have a new deck now The ones that I have aren't not cutting it they're fine and I'm getting information out of them just fine but I feel like I need a new deck

And so I bought this one on Etsy and it came pretty fast and I just got it this evening

The pholarchos tarot
And I can already tell that it's going to be a really good companion deck
But I'm going to have to learn is--  more cards isn't better
But I did three readings
The first one I did was to ask the Tarot for instructions not exactly instructions but like asking the tarot deck--  what is our relationship going to be like
and it said eight justice eighteen moon three of spirals three of sparks
And it won't really go into all of that specifically but just know that it's very consistent with what it is that I want to get from the relationship with this deck so that was great

And then I ask it another question but I pulled way too many cards to ask it what could it tell me about building a life where I could support myself without a job
and I won't go into all the cards but like the first card that was the most important and the last card that was summing up
Was seven of wings and seven of spirals

Now seven of spirals is seven of discs is seven of stones and I have this kind of philosophy where it's like all the different cards and their meanings in different decks all of those sevens are like resonant
So even though you have one meaning that you'll get from a particular deck all those other decks are somehow vibrating at the same time they're also part of that answer

and there was a deck that I had and I may still have it somewhere I may find it I bought it back in the '90s it's called the greenwood tarot
And when it went out of print and they were going to reissue it the artist had become a born-again Christian and she wouldn't allow them to reuse her artwork because she didn't want to be associated with metaphysical stuff or that's how the story went so it's become this crazy grail deck that people look for and it's based on Celtic shamanism and the art work is amazing and visionary but it uses a variety of styles
And it's not a regular deck it's not a rider waite based deck it's not a thoth based deck it's like really its own thing the meaning of cards are changed around
And that's not bad but it just made it really hard for me to read because I have a very hard time doing intuitive readings I have to really push myself and this was back in the '90s it was a long time ago I for sure couldn't do intuitive readings then or well I could have but I didn't
so I never used it that much I just would take it out and look at it and think how beautiful it was and be inspired by the cards but it bothered me that they were in differing styles
Which is kind of funny because this deck is even more so but in this deck it seems to make sense and in that deck it didn't make any kind of sense to me
Okay there's a lot of background

But this seven of discs thing has been coming up, right
in readings but then when I looked into it a little bit more I realized that in the gaian tarot
the seven of discs was one of the cards that represented me
So I went and looked online to find out what the seven of discs was
well no that's not even what I did
I went online to look at the greenwood tarot
and in the course of looking at it
I found this one card that was one of my very favorite cards
and that card was seven of stones which is the same and it's this beautiful card with this deer headed shaman who is healing someone in like soul retrieval and they've got a line out from their body astrally projecting themselves and it's done in this kind of woodcut style and it's amazing
it's amazing
and I looked that I don't think that was my favorite card at the time
but that is my favorite card now
but I looked and found that as being my favorite card
and then I looked to see which card it was
and it was seven of discs
which in that deck is called Healing

So that was kind of amazing
And in this deck one of the lessons that are pieces of advice that it gave me was seven of spirals which is the same thing as seven discs and seven of stones
In rider waite seven of pentacles it's usually keyworded as assessment
it's a person who's gone to check a tree with pentacles on it seven pentacles like to look and see if the fruit is ripe yet or something

And this deck is not a rider waite deck it's not a thoth deck it's sort of a sacred geometry deck sort of but that's kind of an oversimplification
But the idea is that within the suits you know you kind of start with an idea and then it kind of develops and develops and develops until it gets to 9 and at 9 it has like a portal that moves through to 10 which is like the idea completed and needing to move on to the next part of the cycle if that makes sense that might be too sketchy I don't know so the whole thing is more of a magical journey
Which is of course what Tarot is anyway and there are elements of this numerical sacred geometry magical numbers are in both rider waite and in thoth but

But I'm just going to read you those meanings

Seven of wings
Is 7 of swords is 7 of air
They call him tricky, Mercury is always so, leading you through endless maddening play. The mind is so, can you juggle with it and watch your back simultaneously? You are weaving your own wings how will you use them?

7 of spirals
Is seven of pentacles discs stones
Take time to listen
Take stock
Make friends with toad camouflaged on mossy Stone he will flatten his belly as he share secrets with you about water and earthquakes and the night

I'm going to go ahead and publish that one and I'm sorry in advance for how many words it got wrong I'll have to go back and edit it for it to make complete sense but I want to do the last reading that I did as a separate entry