Wednesday, July 8, 2020

is it wednesday? 7:8

i did sleep in there somewhere
i apparently didn't say anything before i went to bed
i also apparently didn't say anything when i got up
that's unusual
it wasn't intentional
i've just not been very talky today

i saw this video
the law of attraction thing
and it was talking about
she wanted to see the entity she channels
and it said, right, that's why you always shut your eyes so tight
because you want to see
but she did
she opened her eyes
and the room was filled with fireflies
and the guy she was talking to
said he had a similar experience
he opened his eyes
after hearing that story
and his screen saver had gone to fireflies

i've been on a trip today
not motivated by drugs of any kind
i'm letting myself be led
it's taken me to music
i seem to love music theory
but i can't actually play an instrument
and i'm not sure if i understand music theory
in a way that's useful for like actually doing anything
and since i can't do maths
i'm not sure that it makes any sense
to think that i understand music theory at all
maybe i just think i do
i wouldn't listen to a talk about maths

whether i really understand it or not
i have some conceptualization of it
some framework in my head that allows me
to enjoy hearing about it
i don't know where this is going
i do feel like maybe it's going, ya know

not sure
to report