Saturday, July 11, 2020

This is an old notebook and it's mostly crap but it has this in it and I'm going to read it to you
I'm sitting waiting for my father to call it's my birthday and he always calls and leaves a message why aren't you sitting home waiting for me I haven't talked to him in over a year and even his boys haven't heard from him for over 6 months The last time I talked to him it was 2:00 a.m. on July 4th he said he was in a small town in Nevada and his car had broken down and could I wire him $200 I was unemployed and had exactly $200 to my name I told him I couldn't wire it to him and why didn't he call Jason he got extremely angry I told him I really couldn't spare the money but that I was very worried about him and would he please call me and let me know he was okay after he got the money from Jason he said he didn't think Jenny would let him give it he hung up on me and he has never called me but he always calls me on my birthday.

Now it says story idea at the top of the page but I think all of that is true except I don't remember that he always called me on my birthday so maybe that was an artistic license but that does sound like something he would do call and leave a message and say why aren't you sitting at home waiting for me on your birthday I also have his boys in quotes