Wednesday, July 8, 2020

They put a note on the door the other day that they were going to be working on the roof starting yesterday but of course it's a big complex so who knows which part of the roof they're going to be working on when
They're replacing all the shingling
So not not like the roof structures just the roots like when you get a new roof on your house
So today they're working on my roof
And I guess they started about 8:00 or 9:00 and they're still working on it I don't know if they're going to go till dark or what but they didn't stop at 5:00
And I absolutely had no trouble sleeping through that at all
I mean it woke me up sure then I identified where the sound was coming from and said oh yeah okay that's fine and just went right back to sleep
And I've been up I don't know a little while
But it's so funny my poor cat He's been under the bed most the day I tried to convince him that he could come up and sleep on me and I would protect him
But he did not believe me
I think my lack of concern about it was not reassuring to him he just thought I was stupid
So I don't know I thought that was really funny for some reason
I dreamed something about school
But it wasn't anything bad
I just don't remember what it was
but I remember having like a loose moment awareness in the dream saying oh wow I'm having a school dream and it's not anything about a test I haven't studied for or a final for a class I haven't gone to all semester or anything like that
I wish I could remember what it was though