Monday, July 27, 2020

Okay I remembered that I have this deck called the star that never walks around
Which is related to the Morningstar
and it's not a deck that I've really used because the cards around which are hard to shuffle and the art doesn't really resonate with me
I found it like I don't know probably about the same time that I got that reading with the angel tarot that said that nothing could prevent you from loving me
I probably got it about that same time so what was that like 8 years ago I don't know it was a native american-themed deck and I thought that I would love it but I just never really connected with it but I thought for clarification purposes it's thematically relevant

So the suits are frogs are cups
Turtles are discs are pentacles
Butterflies are swords
And Thunderbirds are wands

so you got the hermit and the hanged man which both reinforce the idea of kind of deep inner psychological workings of spirituality
And you got Queen of turtles and seven of turtles
You also got seven of Thunderbirds
So getting multiple sevens in this particular deck indicates luck or opportunity
So you got seven of Thunderbirds which is one's which is victory is yours if you have the courage to stand by your convictions
and seven of turtles which was the first card I sat down I think maybe no no the hermit was the first card I sat down but the seven of turtles is in the center of this spread before I really thought about what anything meant and seven of turtles would be seven of pentacles which would be that card that's associated with me now apparently
So in this deck the seven of turtles is associated with potlatch
You also got two frogs which is two cups so you know love friendship close spiritual bond
You also got three of butterflies which is three of swords which you had in the other readings so that's reinforced
Except in this jackets pain family problems miscarriage or abortion
So that's not good
so the Ace of Thunderbirds and the seven of Thunderbirds both indicate opportunities and kind of the opening of the way and new new good exciting things The six of Thunderbirds is success possible travel for business or pleasure and horse spirit story about Sacagawea being offered a pony which was unheard of in native American culture so it's all super good except for the three of butterflies

But it does pretty much it does pretty much reinforce the reading before it's opportunities growth all this kind of stuff but it's based on accessing deep psychological spiritual stuff

Except to be honest this one this reading seems to me to have me as an integral part of it somehow and the other ones didn't