Sunday, August 16, 2020

treasures in the mail

 So I got the facial oil and I really like it.  It doesn't really absorb very well, though.  It feels very smooth and silky and all but it takes hours to absorb.  I figured papaya oil would be light and absorb quickly, in fact I even thought it was described as a light oil (might be mis-remembering).  I really like it though.  I've been trying not to pick and I mean I am so so close to having everything healed up. Also limited red spots of healed stuff.  This is either going to take me over the edge and fix it all up, or it will over-stimulate it and start the whole process over.  Fingers crossed.

When I went to my mailbox to get the oil there was a check from the Department of the Treasury.  I wasn't sure what that was about.  I filed an extension, so even if I will get a refund (which I'm quite certain I won't) there is no reason that it would be here now.  I've been keeping mostly up with the news and I've heard nothing to indicate that there is any more stimulus coming (and again even if there were it wouldn't be here now).  I scratched my head.  I sprayed it with disinfectant. I opened it up.  $13.48.  Weird.

I mean, the amount is recognizable to me, but not why I'm getting it now.  Let me explain.

Last year or maybe it was the year before, I'm not totally sure now, I filed for an extension.  When I paid it I owed 'em like $150. or something.  So I paid that.  And before when I owed 'em money, if it was less than $400 then I didn't owe penalty.  But this time apparently I did.  So whatever.  The government says you owe 'em money, then you owe 'em money.  But when they sent it, the bill I mean, was right before the shut down.  Not the c'v'd lockdown, the government shutdown.  So, I was both pissed off about that and wasn't even sure there was anybody there to receive it.  So I didn't send it right away.  It was for like $10.  Then I forgot about it.

One day I got a phone call when I was half asleep and I pressed screen.  And this whole thing came up about how the irs was taking me to court and whatnot.  And I'm like wtf.  I was pretty sure it was a scam.  It was, as it turns out, but I didn't know about it as a scam at the time.  It just didn't make sense.  I had paid them why would they waste resources takingme to court over $10. without, ya know, like sending me another bill--  it hadn't been that long.  So I thought I'd just call the irs and clear it up, but i couldn't get through, and I started to panic a little.  So I busted out the letter they sent with the bill and it said you could pay online.  I thought it was possible that the penalty might have increased, since I didn't pay right away but I wasn't sure how much, so I paid them $25.  They sent me a refund check for $13.48 which I never cashed.  But I figured, if they were sending me a refund they must be content that I had paid them what I owed them and I forgot all about it.

Now, I haven't been super law of attraction-y recently.  But the last few days I've tried to get back on the bandwagon.  And today I get a check from the government.  I guess maybe somebody decided to check for any way they could send people help and started looking for refund checks that hadn't cleared and re-issued them.  Like maybe I didn't get it and they aren't valid after six months so I couldn't cash it now.  That's the only thing I can think of.  Probably gonna cash this one.  It's not much, but it's the thought that counts.