Friday, August 14, 2020

This isn't interesting, just kind of how my mind goes when I'm stressed

 I'm feeling a little stressed, I guess.  I am not feeling all that talk-y.  I want to talk to you.  But I think the things I want to talk about are mostly not likely to be interesting to you.  My excitement for a new cheap skincare product that I hope will be almost as good as a really expensive skincare product that i love.  Well, I've started, I might as well tell you.  I have this stuff, I buy it in very small jars and it lasts a long time so I could argue that it isn't that expensive, but it's expensive.  I've talked about it before.  The Truth Treatments C Balm.  It's tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate.  The lipid soluble version of vitamin c.  It's one of those "medical grade" skincare from a formulating pharmacist and it really not only makes your skin glow like a hundred watt bulb, heals up whatever you got going on that needs healing, but it also builds collagen--  or at least i feel like it does.  But, like I said, it's 'spensive.  And I like to buy things from small business on Etsy and such rather than buy from Amazon or wherever, but I was looking for the tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate, which used to be a very uncommon ingredient but maybe isn't quite as uncommon now.  You can find plenty of ascorbic acid serums now but I can't use them they irritate my skin.  You can find other forms and some of them work for me, but not like this.  Maybe that's just because it's such a strong concentration or the formulation or whatever, but I cannot be using this every night or I will run out fast.  I found this serum brightening serum and it seemed like a winner.  I am a read the label kind of girl.  And this has the tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate but it also has carrot root which might be as good as carrot seed essential oil but should be good anyway.  The papaya seed oil might be slightly exfoliating, but it's an oil so I'm feeling like it won't be as irritating.  Whatever.  I have high hopes.  The eye serum I got from her is my favorite eye product, currently.  I had that eye cream which worked the best of anything but I am having an aversion to creams of any sort right now.  I feel like they will break me out.  

Anyway.  I'm excited about that, it should be here tomorrow, maybe.

The cat is pacing around.  He's acting like he wants to eat, but he doesn't usually eat until 4:30 or 5 and I feel like I just fed him an hour or so ago.  Maybe not, maybe it was two hours ago, but I don't think so.  I don't know why I'm so obsessed with skin care.

Yeah, I just had to feed him.  He was standing at the door screaming.

I bought, months ago now, maybe a year ago, a "sonic shaver".  It just seems like a small shaver but now that I have used it, it does seem different, so maybe, but it's battery operated, so maybe not.  Anyway, I don't like the idea of shaving my face, but the peach fuzz is more than it was when i was younger and also more on one side than the other and either of these things alone would be enough to cause me to freak out, ya know.  Then though,on top of that there are the antennae.  They grow cyclically, so what I would tend to do is shave those off and then pluck them as they grow back.  Sometimes if you catch 'em at the time they are slightly less painful.  That was not the case the last time, so I've been watching them come in and getting less and less happy about it until i just busted it out.  It was easy and painless and i shaved my arms while I was at it because I now find that hair extremely unattractive as well.