Saturday, August 22, 2020

Okay I went to the grocery store and I stocked up for the hurricane
Oh and now the trajectory of the hurricane that was going to Florida has shifted and so potentially both hurricanes might be coming here
now I'm prepared enough for it that probably neither of them will come here
But who could say
When I wake up or tomorrow morning depending on how things go I'm going to do some laundry
I have plenty of clean clothes but I don't have any clean underwear and all the things I like to wear around the house are pretty ripe
So probably good to clean that all up just in case
I'm quite frankly it needs to be done anyway

I hope you're doing okay
I don't know exactly where you are
So it's kind of hard to track
I know they have evacuated parts of your county
But I'm guessing not you so far although I'm going to check it again
Please be safe!
I love you very much!