Saturday, August 15, 2020

this might not be interesting either


i wanted to write to you

something about

my mother and her crazy idea

that there were some mailboxes that were not

real mailboxes

this was something

from when i was a teen-ager

or maybe early college


i have been scattered between the news

and there was some thing about the q thing

[which i don't want to write here because i don't want

there to be any possibility of someone coming here for that]

that said it tied in with the nine-eleven truthers

and that threw me into a tailspin

because i completely think that was a conspiracy

and i'm not alt right

and i'm not a bunch of other stuff

but it threw me into a tail-spin

plus i was confused about another thing, maybe

because of a lack of knowledge


then too

i had to work on my fictitious makeup line

i've decided

it's got two lines

a sea line and a flower line

and the drawings on the bottles are different colors

i think the sea line maybe has drawing in white

and the cap is white too

the cap is smooth not that ridge-y texture

but the ridge-y texture is mirrored in the label


and the flower line is yellow drawings and a yellow top

but now i want both lines  *sigh*

it's like i have a bottle bouncing around behind me

i also had a crazy idea

to make them all sort of inter-changable

or use-together-able that i had kind of discarded


they would all be pretty together if you like rainbow colors

and i think those ugly drunk elephant packages are different colors

which was maybe why i thought no


for some reason now

i want something in red packaging

so there is maybe a cleansing oil

or balm and maybe the balm could be in a tube (fun)

i mean maybe there is both

and you'd pick one

and then you have to have a foaming cleanser

but i don't much like those

sometimes i like soap

but the zoomers don't use bar soap

they think it's gross

so maybe that's in a tube as well

i don't know how difficult or expensive tube packaging is

but the millenials and zoomers really like the tube packaging

so maybe heavy on that for as much stuff as possible

but i really like the tubes too

all the products that i have gotten a glimpse of in a picture

and chased around to find out what they are

have been in tubes

besides, reminds me of paint tubes

you could do a gel toner too, it could be in a tube

great for travel lixirskin is all in tubes, mostly

but then the jars are so pretty

and i like jars for some things

maybe that works out later, i've got myself sold on the tubes

so bottles you've got cleansing oil, maybe

and i'm tempted to say skip the toner

just have essences


a sea essence with kelp bioferment and marine collagen

and or sea silt (i really liked that sea silt serum)

no no no

kelp bioferment and marine collagen are too obvious

sea silt and astaxanthin, maybe

and i've been thinking about the serum bottles

and i went back and forth

but ya know what is the most handy to use

and this was a great product to is this dropper-y thing

also great for travel

not very glamorous, though

and the ingredients in that, i mean corn oil and cororants and fragrance oh my

and it is, i kid you not, never gonna go bad

because it's got like six preservatives

but it is super nice


that makes me want it, remembering how nice it was

and it's got good stuff in it

i'm trying to use clean stuff and that has parabens and whatnot

but if you put a really really good label

and it's super fun to use

and not breakable

and travel friendly

maybe it would fly

in fact you could do smaller tubes

i'm getting kinda excited about the paint box angle