Wednesday, August 5, 2020

i remember learning to ride a bike
first there were training wheels
and i was great with that
but then
i'm thinking i was about six
the whole point was to ride without them
so i had to learn
my daddy ran along behind
and then
let go when i wasn't looking
and as soon as i realized he wasn't holding on
i fell down
and he's like
you went all that way
you were totally doing it
but the sidewalk was not the best place
so we went up to the school
and used their parking lot
i think it was summer
and they were out of school
i don't know how much practice it took
but i know
by the time i was in second grade
i was trying to do tricks
and i fell
and scraped all the skin off my neck
the side of my neck
maybe a little of my cheek
i decided
maybe i didn't want to do tricks afterall